Sunday, April 22, 2012

Congenital Heart Walk- May 5 2012

Hi everyone! We are Walking with Mended Little Hearts and raising money to help raise awareness and research for CHD and we need your help! 1 in 100 babies is born with a CHD. CHD is also the leading cause of death among children from birth to age 15. The Congenital Heart Walk is May 5th at Geoge Mason University in Fairfax, VA.  Follow this link and it will bring you to Scarlett's donation page. The donations go to the Childrens Heart Foundation the Adlut Congenital Heart Association and the team we are walking with: Mended Little Hearts of Washington DC.

Scarlett, I and all the children and families affected by a CHD thank you!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Scarlett's progress

Look at those rosy cheeks!

 Just an update! Scarlett is growing like a weed and doing well! Scarlett weighed 14lbs 12oz at her last dr visits on Thursday. She is doing bolus feeds now as tolerated, she is doing OK with them, could be better. She is enjoying tummy time a little more to where she can lift up her head and look around. She is sitting on her own for about a minute, but can sit with Boppy assistance for about 10-15 minutes :) Her Cardiology visits have gone from once a week to every 2 weeks and now we are up to a month between visits. I asked if she was ok to travel and he said YES! He is not too worried about her having any issues. She just can not fly, so wherever we go we are driving. Now we just have to see what plays out with the house offer and then we can go home for a little bit!

She loved the dancing flower the Easter Bunny brought!

getting to be a BIG girl!