On to the meaning behind the rainbow, the first time we had recieved bad news after Scarlett was born was the day she had her first cath done, we found out that day that her coronary arteries were not properly formed and she would likely need a transplant. This is a tough pill to swallow about your 4 day old baby. On our way to bring Noah home and go eat dinner we saw a rainbow that seemed to be right over our house as we saw it the entire drive home, and for some reason it gave me an inner peace. The day that she had her BT Shunt placed we saw another one. And as the Lord said to Noah 12 And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: 13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.
We took this as a sign that everything would be okay, and it was. Then after she coded the rainbow balloon stared me down in the darkest of times and made me believe that everything would be okay. As we found out we would be headed to CHoP I turned around to see a bright, full, double rainbow outside of Scarlett's window in her CICU room, it was the brightest, biggest one I had ever seen! I just knew that somehow, everything was going to be okay. When Scarlett is having a tough day, I usually see a rainbow, be it in a reflection of something, on tv, somewhere somehow I see one and it helps me calm down and know, that no matter what happens and what journey we have to go on, everything will be okay.
This is the double rainbow. Keep in mind this is through a tinted window. |
That eventful day in the CICU at Children's we had one of our favorite Nurses, Michelle. In January I got an email from The Hope Marietta Foundation asking for Nominations for Nurse of the year. I, of course, nominated Michelle and she won. The way she responded that day and how quickly she reacted to her gut feeling saved Scarlett's life and for that I will always be grateful.
Now, 366 days later {don't forget it was a leap year ;-) } Scarlett is a happy, as healthy as can be, active, talkative 16 month old. You would never be able to tell the journey she went on this past year by meeting her. She is the happiest baby you could ever meet